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Welcome to Better Health through Chiropractic!!!

   "The Power that made the body, heals the body."


Chiropractic Adjustments

At our office, we do things a bit different than what you are probably used to. We practice true Chiropractic at it's core principles of healing .

Helpwith Back and Neck Pain

Not much gets in the way of performing during our daily lives more than back and neck pain. We are experts at helping to alleviate acute and chronic back and neck pain quickly.

Extremity Adjustments

We are one of the few offices that specialize in extremity adjustments. 

About Dr. David Schlute, DC

David Schlute is a world renowned, award winning Chiropractor and specialist in the areas of healing, sports injury, rehabilitation, and prevention. He has the unique background and trifecta combination of having an Exercise and Sport Science bachelors degree, Massage Therapy Certification, and Doctorate in Chiropractic.  Dr. Schlute's numerous certifications and blend of education provides him the opportunity to continue to help thousands of people locally and from around the world achieve their highest performance and peak potential in the fastest time possible.


What Our Patients Say:


"David is a WONDERFUL chiropractor. He is so knowledgeable, gentle, professional, and very kind. He really works with the knowledge that the body is inter-connected. Adjusting one thing leads to changes elsewhere and vice versa. I went to him with major shoulder and neck pain that was causing headaches. I also was experiencing a lot of knee pain while running. After one adjustment, my body felt better, but pulled back into bad habits (as it always will). Second adjustment and doing well so far. No more headaches, knee pain is gone, and most importantly, I understand my body better and how to keep it healthy and working well. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Schlute for a professional, calming, and well-priced experience. Could not be more pleased! So glad I met him!!!"

Anon H.


"My desk job had resulted in a chronically sore right shoulder blade and I was finally ready to do something about it. Regular spa-type massages didn't really seem to have a lasting effect so I was wondering if going to a chiropractor would be better. I got referred to Dr. Schlute from a friend; I was looking for someone close to my area at a reasonable price and he seemed to fit the bill. Never having seen any other chiropractor regularly I wouldn't consider myself an expert, but I can tell you that after about 6 months of seeing Dr. Schlute about once a month my shoulder doesn't really bother me anymore. I think I can attribute it to the visits since my work habits haven't changed. Dr. Schlute is very personable and professional, and I enjoy my short and sweet adjustment visits."

Steph H.


"I was referred to Dr. Dave by my husband’s personal trainer who is located across the street from him on Broadway in the Belmont Heights neighborhood. I have been getting adjustments during my pregnancy, but the chiropractor I was previously seeing was having trouble getting my hips to cooperate. I went to Dr. Schlute today and got (hopefully) my last adjustment before baby comes. This guy has magic hands! My hips are so tight and hard to adjust so he placed a block under my hips for a min, tried again and Voila- magic! If you live in the Shore or heights he is the guy to see. I look forward to postnatal adjustments from him to help get my body back in balance post-baby."

Angela J.

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